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Jeremiah Ministries International Inc

Revival to the nations

“The soul can do without everything except the word of God, without which none at all of its wants are provided for.” ―
Martin Luther, On Christian Liberty.




The Word is Life

Non-denominational apostolic and prophetic ministry with a mandate for spiritual warfare, intercession, healing, deliverance, miracles and revival to the nations. Also involved in leadership training, mentorship, human development and philanthropy. We have a special interest in social and healthcare reforms, particularly for prisons, mental institutions and orphanages. Marching orders – Psalm 67:2 and Isaiah 25:7-8

Meet the Man of God

“Dr. Ibrahim Dakubu is a worshipper of Jesus and a warrior for Christ. Having transitioned from Islam to agnosticism, through the new-age and now redeemed, Ibrahim is an ardent believer of the five-fold ministry of God, with full confidence in the saving power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Ibrahim operates in the spirit of revival and strongly believes that miracles are for us today because Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and foreve …

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